Positive Behavior Management
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- Positive Behavior Management
- Students must show restraint in their behaviour. Talking loudly in the corridors, classrooms, assembly ground or other places in schools not permitted.
- The morning assembly is compulsory for students and teachers. Students should reach the Assembly area silently in a disciplined queue after the morning bell.
- Students must always maintain disciplined behavior while waiting for a class. They should always move in queues.
- Electronic Gadgets (mobile phone, I-pod, camera, pendrive) if found, will be confiscated by the school authority and will not be returned back till the end of the school tenure.
- Chewing gum is not allowed.
- Students are strictly prohibited from wearing jewellery like rings, chains, bangles, bracelets and expensive watches.
- Students are also forbidden to paint nails and use cosmetics. For girls with long hair, it must be neatly tied and plaited.
- Every student should carry their identity card and school Handbook everyday.
- Extra books other than assigned textbooks or money cannot be brought to school without teacher’s permission.
- Students must always wear clean and proper uniform and keep themselves hygienic.
- Students must always use a tissue or napkin while sneezing and cover their mouth while coughing or yawning.
- Students cannot bring money to school unless specifically asked to The school is not responsible for the loss of goods or money.
- Students must always wear their uniforms when they are coming to school.
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